Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013


Despite knowing the dangers of smoking for his own health danorang another , but many people still smoke . Can not dipungkuri bahwamerokok a habit of mental conditions that are difficult to dihindarkan.Merokok can be caused by psychological conditions some situations ( anxiety danstres ) .

Smoking bans have been issued by the government in berbagaibelahan world . Taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products are ditinggikan.Tetapi , why do people still smoke ?

Coffee in the morning
Almost all smokers do this morning ritual . Fun sipping hot coffee is not complete without a cigarette temptation . Try to avoid this habit by engaging himself after waking up with caramenyiapkan breakfast , shower , or tidying the house . Replace your morning coffee dengansegelas milk or juice for a healthier life .

Driving is a very common smoking triggers . Yangsepi atmosphere sometimes tempt us to smoke to avoid drowsiness . If you do this often while driving , try to sing along to the radio , play a CD , or chew gum to avoid drowsiness .

social environment
Been to a party or a celebration spark someone to merokok.Terutama when they are involved with alcohol . To reduce the time ketagihanmerokok socialize , make sure you tell your best friend if telahberhenti smoke . Dissemination activities can be anticipated denganberkunjung to the movies , take a walk or the gym .

To help reduce stress , some people use cigarettes untukmeredakannya . Not only that , smoking is also often used for people who are on a diet program . Smoking can make people feel full easily .

Break in working hours
Rest periods are also common triggers the smoke in the office . To reduce it , you can go for a walk for some fresh air in the office or you can spend time off with your partner who does not smoke .

negative emotions
Feelings of anger , sadness and loneliness can also trigger the kecanduanrokok . It's important to learn how to deal with negative emotions .

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