Rabu, 20 November 2013


Replying Inquiry Letter

Jl. Krakatau Blok A7 No.43
Bekasi Timur

30th April 2013
Jl. Ujung Harapan Raya No. 57

Dear Madam,

Thank you for your letter of  2 December, 2011 inquiring about cooperate promoting your products.
Be base on your letter and as the treatment about cooperate promotion your products are satisfactory, so we were agree to do cooperate with your company.
We look forward to be meeting to talk over about cooperate and we hope cooperate could be going with good.

Your faithfully, 

Tri Inah Oma

Replying Order Letter

20 th May 2010

Lindsay Office Products
P.O. Box 1879
Spokane, Washington 98989

Dear sirs,

We have received your letter concerning discount. We are very pleased that you are interested in our products. We’ll deliver according to your expectation and for payment via bank transfer to your commonwealth.
For their cooperation I thank you.
your faithfully,


Replaying Complaint Letter

Thank you for your letter alerting us to the problem you have been having with our store in. I am sorry you have been subjected to such a frustrating series of events. We pride ourselves on responding to customers' concerns very quickly, so what you have experienced is inexcusable.

I have spoken with our manager and have instructed him to give you a full refund plus 20% off your next purchase. I extend my own apologies for the inconvenience this problem has caused you.

I wish you an enjoyable holiday season.

Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013


Gloves are sticky with a special feature on the Indonesian Muslim community . Although certainly not pointing pemakain gloves on specific religious identity . Because the sheath is also used by various groups in various quarters there .

Within the meaning of international fashion , sheath ( sarong ) means a piece of cloth the application dibebatkan width at the waist to cover the bottom of the body ( waist down ) .

Sarong made ​​from all kinds of material : cotton , polyester , or silk . The use of gloves is very wide , for relaxing at home to the official use as worship or nuptials . Generally use a sarong at the official event related to complement a particular district shirt .

According to historical records , case originated from Yemen . In the state commonly called futah sheath . Gloves are also known by the name izaar , wazaar or ma'awis . Community in the country of Oman mention sheath with wizaar name . People know him by the name of Saudi Arabia izaar .

Use of gloves has been widespread , not only in the Arabian Peninsula , but also reached South Asia , Southeast Asia , Africa , to America and Europe. Gloves first went to Indonesia in the 14th century , brought by Arab merchants and Gujarat . In subsequent developments , case in Indonesia identical with Islamic culture .

" Textiles is an industry pioneer in the Islamic era , " says Ahmad Y al - Hassan and Donald R Hill in his book Islamic Technology : An Illustrated History as reported by apakabardunia.com . In that era, textile standard peninsular Arab Muslim community is very high . No wonder , if the textile industry in the Islamic era have a very large influence on the West .

In Encyclopedia Britanica , mentioned, sheath dress has become the traditional Yemeni society . Sheath is believed to have been produced and used traditional Yemeni society since ancient times . Until now , the tradition is still strong adhesion . In fact, to date, futah or sheath Yemen became one of the traditional special - by from Yemen .

Those who traveled to Yemen usually not forget to buy gloves as gifts for relatives . Gloves used initially Bedouin living in Yemen . Casings from Yemen came from a white cloth dipped in Neel namely the black coloring . Yemen sheath consists of several variations , among assafi model , al - KADA , and annaqshah .

Actually in the Arab world , sheath dresses diidentikkan not to do acts of worship such as prayer . Even in Egypt sheath is considered inappropriate to wear to the mosque as well as the need to attend formal events and other important programs. In Egypt , sheath serves as pajamas worn only while in the bedroom.

In Indonesia, the sheath dress became one of honor and decency which show high values ​​. No wonder if the majority of Indonesian people often charging sleeve for prayers at the mosque . Imposing male superiors and subordinates cocoa shirt sleeve to prayer , so that women are superior and inferior mukena sheath for prayers .

War era when the nation 's identity
During the Dutch period , gloves identical to fight against western culture that brought the colonists .

The santris in Dutch colonial times using gloves as a symbol of resistance against Western culture brought the colonizer . Santris racial society that is most consistent with a gloved where ethnic nationalist abangans was almost left sleeve.

Attitudes consistent use of gloves is also carried out by one of the Archipelago ie Muslim fighter KH Abdul Wahab Chasbullah , a central figure in Nahdhatul Ulama ( NU ) .

Once, Abdul Wahab had invited President Sukarno . Presidential Protocol requested to dress complete with suits and ties . However , while attending citizenship ceremonies , but it came to use his or sleeve coat . Though usually people impose suits come with pants .

For a fighter who has a direct jump repeatedly fought against colonial Dutch and Japanese , Abdul Wahab remain consistent using gloves as a symbol of opposition to Western culture . It wanted to show the dignity of his people in front of the colonizers .

The special feature of sheaths Indonesia
Indonesia distinguishes gloves gloves gloves the rest is made ​​of woven , embroidered , and filter . Each type of glove came from different areas in Indonesia .

Made of woven material , comes from the area better known as East Indonesia West Nusa Tenggara Timur Nusat , Sulawesi , and Bali . While embroidered , highly identified with special custom features Minangkabau and Palembang . Meanwhile filter , we know this stuff comes from Lampung .

Traditional glove plaid . Gloves made ​​from woven , created the most simple . Tends to play colors , motifs than 'many ' . While the filter and songket , will look similar at a glance .

Only , filter motive has natural elements , such as flora and fauna. While embroidered motifs , looks more lively with motifs fill the entire contents of the material. There are similarities between the filter and songket , that both made ​​of gold and silver thread .

Why motive glove boxes ?
Value philosophical motives glove boxes translate, every good step to the right , left, up or down , there will be consequences . Look like a chessboard -patterned gradient bali sheath . When we are in the white point , going anywhere , difference block . While it be safe is a slow step toward the diagonal . As a result, instead of moving forward but stay away from the target. So the temptation is bold block that will quickly reap the hope.


Surely you are not so familiar with the name Thomas Alva Edison he was one of the scientists who managed to find a better telegraph machine , not only managed to find pemneuan useful to society at this time Thomas Alva Edison also been predicted if future technology will semangkin more dibndingkan advanced of its time .

Not just saying if future technology will evolve semangkin Thomas Alva Edison also made some predictions and events that will occur in the future and forecast turned out great Thomas Alva Edison 's prediction proved true .

Now you want to know what ever foreseen by Thomas Alva Edison was quoted unikgaul.com consider the following :

1 . Predictions 1911 : Death of Steam Engines .
Edison told , steam engines will soon issue a final steam . According to him , in 2011 , the railway was driven at incredible speed by electricity generated by hydraulic wheels .

reality :
When this article was written , the electric motor has been used for decades . Such as electric locomotives , diesel electric railroad first made ​​its debut on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in 1935 . Less practical steam locomotive and continued to decline in the United States ( U.S. ) until 1960 and not used again . For hydraulic wheel , most of the diesel trains already use hydraulic transmission system . 

2 . Predictions 1911 : Commercial Aviation will become common .
Edison predicted , the future traveler will be booed very slow movement of the earth , like a crawl . Aircraft will fly in the air , faster than seagulls . With a speed of two hundred miles per hour and a colossal engine , passengers could have breakfast in London and transact business in Paris and eat lunch in Cheapside .

reality :
True ! Most of the passenger aircraft with a speed of 804-904 km / h . To travel from London to Paris and back to London could now be done .

3 . Predictions 1911, the Iron is commonly used in home construction .
According to Edison , the house will be completed in the next century iron loft . Infants in the 20th century would use Kerancang steel cradle , father sitting on a metal chair in the iron table and boudoir furnished luxury mother iron .

reality :
We are now using a lot of iron . Steel consumption grew 3.3 % during the 20th century and is now close to 800 million tons . It is often used for construction , and support structures .

4 . Predictions 1911 : magical book will contain the entire contents of the Encyclopedia Britannica .
Edison predicted , the next century printed books from the leaves of nickel , so light to the reader can enjoy a small library in a single volume . This inch -thick book contains 40 thousand pages , the equivalent of a hundred volumes and load the contents of the Encyclopedia Britannica enough . Each volume weighs less than one pound ( half a kg ) .

reality :
We currently have several tools that can accommodate the entire contents of the library . If you follow the CES recently , there are many devices it there .

5 . Predictions 1911 Chemical proven right and everything is made ​​of gold .
According to Edison , when he almost found the secret of transmuting metals , all have the same substance though combined in different proportions . " We're just waiting for the time to convert iron into gold , " he said .

reality :
Gold is in fact very valuable . Edison's true , all the elements are made of the same material substance . Scientists create artificial transmutation of gold through the process . It is still far from economical choice . So at least for now there is no gold taxi , but it may be hoped will be realized in 2111 .

Well that's a miraculous prophecy that proved true Edison .

FOUR HOW THE BRAIN preserve stay young

or the elderly , the brain memory loss to dementia a scourge that often occur . There are many ways you can do in order to keep the brain sharp . Diligently read , still trying to memorize something , to play games that require the brain to think and remember .

In addition , there were 4 other things that are useful to train the brain . You may not think before. Here's the list of merdeka.com quoted .

1 . Drinking green tea
Research in 2012 showed that green tea can increase cognitive abilities , especially in men . Researchers managed to find a positive effect of flavonoids contained in green tea on the brain . Meanwhile , a recent study showed that green tea could protect the brain from Alzheimer's .

2 . Keep your cholesterol level
Research in 2009 showed that the increase of cholesterol in the body is associated with high risk of Alzheimer's and dementia . Based on the research , what is good for the heart is also good for the brain . For that , you can reduce the risk of dementia and with lower levels of cholesterol .

3 . Maintaining healthy teeth
Believe it or not , dental hygiene -related brain health . Research shows that visiting the dentist twice a year and clean the teeth regularly good for brain health . Good oral hygiene can reduce one's risk of developing dementia . Other studies have also shown that people who brush their teeth less than once a day had a risk of dementia 65 percent higher .

4 . Watching documentaries about nature
A recent study in the journal PLoS ONE found that people who watched a documentary about nature have a higher value in a language proficiency test . They also have lower levels of stress and have a better quality of life . In fact , they have better brains than those who successfully complete brain teasers and the like .

No need to wait until old age to come . Familiarize yourself even more when young helps brain cells stay nice when we get older .


Every person who is addicted to smoking definitely determined to stop . Although in fact it was hard , kerahkan repeated efforts by looking at indicators of quitting smoking. When relapse , do not consider it as a defeat . Think of it as a valuable experience , a small failure that will eventually reach the goal.

One of the reasons to quit smoking because smoking is dangerous to health and life . Smoking has been associated with more than 25 life -threatening diseases . For example , smoking is a major contributor to a number of diseases such as heart attack , stroke , chronic bronchitis , emphysema , and various cancers , especially lung cancer . Various counseling and seminars on how to quit smoking has been done , but the increased number of smokers over time .

Of course, someone may have been smoking for years before attacked one of these diseases . Meanwhile, smoking does not make a person look more attractive . Advertisements portray that smoking is a luxury and healthy . The reality is very different . Smoking does not make good breath , and teeth and fingers become yellowish brown . For men , smoking can cause impotence. Also cause coughing and panting breath . In addition, smokers are more likely to quickly experience wrinkling on the face and other skin problem . Here's some practical advice how to quit smoking were collected from takunik.blogspot.com

Convince yourself that quitting smoking at all is not in vain . Make a list of reasons for wanting to quit , including all benefits.
Analysis of smoking habits by finding out when and why should smoking . May be useful if recorded on paper , anytime and anywhere usually puff per cigarette of the day. This will help before the situation might look tempting to smoke .
Pick a date and mark it on your calendar. Instead, choose a day and you will not be burdened by other unnecessary stress . When that day comes , stop smoking altogether, a sudden and total .
Before this date arrives , remove ashtrays, matches, and lighters . Wash all clothing belonging smelling tobacco smoke .
Make a list of colleagues , friends, and family support as well as provide support to disabled moril already committed to quitting smoking . Do not be afraid of asking others not to smoke near you.
Plan events for that date. Doing activities like going to places where smoking is prohibited , such as museums or theaters . Can also work out , swim , bike , or walk away .
During the first few weeks of a confidential, santaplah low- calorie food , and drink plenty of water. Some are aided by eating raw vegetables as snacks , such as carrots or celery .
Resist the reasoning that might tempt one to smoke . Some common ideas emerged during this period, ' today I'm going to smoke it, just so that this difficulty can be passed. ' " I have no bad habits other than smoking ! ' ' No tobacco may be the worst , some heavy smokers live beyond 90 years. '' Let however , I finally will die anyway . ' " What 's life without tobacco oneself ? '
If it is almost surrendered , tundalah . To wait ten minutes, a strong desire can be extinguished. Sometimes , the idea of ​​being cut off with cigarettes seem too difficult . If it is felt that, Concentrate to stop on this day only.
The hardest is the first three months, but even after it should wherever possible avoid the smokers and situations that may tempt to smoke .
Do not fool yourself by thinking that smoking can at any time , even have to quit smoking for a year or more .
Resist the temptation to suck " a just " . A time can easily be followed by a further , and in a short time , all the hard work to stop any pointless. However , if the effect weakened and wants to start smoking , there is no longer a reason to try . If relapse , stop again.
Millions of smokers have successfully quit . With determination and persistence , What seems impossible can definitely resolved.


Writing articles with a time of just 25 minutes ? weighted and should be optimized ? , Can You Do It ? opportunity today in Ramadhan pernuh blessing , I will share with the article 8 jurusmenulis 25 minutes ! . You need to remember , that writing articles is not merely just an article , a good article should be weighted , more solid if later on published in the blog , the article in optimization . " What 's that do not take a long time ? " , The answer is no , if you really take advantage of the time .

This is the 8 Kick Writing Articles with Time 25 Minutes quoted from fathirauf.com :

Kick 1 : Looking for Ideas
The idea of ​​an infinite nature , an idea that is simple but very useful for the reader , that's what counts . Look for it would not be difficult , just what you want to share , write . ( it take more or less 2 minutes )

Kick 2 : Keyword Research
It is important ( unless you write and share them only through socmed and not deal with the search engine ) , to research keywords , must often practice , practice ! . I'm also still learning keyword research . ( it take more or less 3 minutes 

Kick 3 : Collecting Data Will Become Material Articles
For business collect data , use RSS Reader for the future will be the article . Why is RSS Reader ? because it is faster , and saving quota . ( it take more or less 5 minutes )

Kick 4 : Plan How You Write
Plan how you write articles later , from the point of view articles, language , etc. . ( it take more or less 2 minutes )

Kick 5 : Start Your Writing
The first paragraph can be very tiring if you do not know a lot of the topics you have idekan . This is why , moves 1 , to 3 , and 4 . it is important . if you do not plan how you write , you are actually off the mark . You put off writing , lost all the ideas you 've created . ( it take more or less 12 minutes )

Kick 6 : Correction Your Posts
Do you instantly publish press , the correction was your writing , there is a defect ? what optimization is correct ? ( it take more or less 3 minutes )
2 min + 3 min + 5 min + 12 min + 3 min = 25 MINUTES

Here's 6 Ways Writing Articles that I use every time I write an article . " Loh , why only 6 , he promised it 8 ? " . Oh yeah , the rest is the tips of my stance

Tip 1 : Disrupting Throw All Your Writing
Social Media , Mobile , TV , etc. . especially social media , CLOSE tab first social media accounts , and then you write . It is not just me , but a lot of friends who write so slow because of social media .

Tip 2 : Set Deadline
Article first 25 minutes , the second 45 minute article . Determine deadlines every article you create , depending on the level of difficulty make the article . It will make you write faster .


Become an office employee was taking things easy difficulty. Kerjaannya sometimes light sometimes heavy . Saya Gajiannya sure once a month. Once the cuts do not go direct . And many more other constraints , especially the problem of the relationship between employees and between employees with the boss .

Most professionals begin to feel saturation in the workplace because such matters . In addition it may also be because it 's monotonous and kerjaannya only , and because it has many employees who resigned and moved to another work location .

It's a lot of reasons we will get when we already feel saturated with our work . Salary problems , co-workers , labor conditions , and others will continue our already made ​​a scapegoat because we feel saturated .

Therefore, here I will try to give 4 Tips to keep the spirit of the work collected from syaifulmaghsri.com

1 . Suppose Jobs For Worship
One of the most important things that are not saturated and still be able to love the job is assuming the job as worship . Since assuming the worship , we will always sincere to undergo . In addition we will also always diligent and active in carrying out all the work. Although there is saturation , we will still have the passion to work , because it is not just a routine job to do, but the work is worship.

2 . Forging a Good Relationship with Co-workers
Have a colleague who would fit in with our very difficult indeed. Especially if we are not a sociable person and easy to get along with everyone . Therefore, in the work we have always maintained a good relationship with my colleagues . Modest aim , namely that when we are saturated , there is someone who remind or invite to chat and joke that we can refresh and revive again to lead our work .

3 . Do not Just Silence In The Workplace
Whether you have a lot of work at the desk and your room . Still you should take a little time to stand up from your chair and then walked to another room or simply meet our colleagues to try other things outside work. It is very necessary so that we are not overly saturated with our work until we finally precisely lazy to do our work routine .

4 . Make the Rest and Leisure Time Work for Refreshing momentarily
This is my favorite tips . Ie do when refreshing break or holiday work . When the rest of work , you do not just shut up and lunch only. You can also license out the office for a while or simply head office canteen to do refreshing . In addition, when working on public holidays , do not just used to be lazy and only on one's back home. Use the best time for refreshing or simply bypass road towards a town or village green is still fresh . Use the best holiday for your work routine for a moment forget that sometimes boring .


We all certainly know the profit figure in the Donald Duck comics . Contrary to Donald's always shit. Profit is the profit narrated continue . There's just luck that always approaching figure native duck called Gladstone 's . How sweet life of those who profit . Slacker , never worked , but always more profit from Donald . If the Profit and Donald walked along , suddenly found a piece of money on the street surely the profit . If you'd like to always have good luck as the profit , do not worry , it turns out there are lucky that knowledge.

Professor Richard Wiseman from the University of Hertfordshire England, trying to look into the things that distinguish the lucky ones with the bad luck. Wiseman recruit a group of people who feel life is always profit , and others whose lives are always a bunch of shit. It effects such as play , how luck can be scrutinized . But it turns out that successful people act differently with their shit.

For example , in one of the study 's The Luck Project , Wiseman gave the task to calculate how much a photo in a newspaper that shared the last 2 groups . The people of the unlucky group takes an average of 2 minutes to complete this task . While those of the group profit only need a few seconds only ! Lho coke can ? Yes , because earlier on the 2nd page , Wiseman has put no small inscription reads " Stop count now ! there are 43 photographs in this newspaper . " Kelompol fucking missed this article when immersed count picture. In fact, more yogi yet, in the midst of a newspaper , Wiseman put another message that read: " Stop count now and tell the researcher you discover this , and win $ 250 ! " . Again unlucky group delay last message ! It's really bad luck.

In summary , the research diklaimnya "scientific " , the Wiseman found 4 factors that differentiate them from the unlucky lucky , as reported by hermawayne.blogspot.com

1 . Attitude towards opportunities
Lucky people was a bit more open to opportunity . They are more sensitive to the availability of opportunities, good at creating opportunity , and act when opportunity comes . How it's possible ? It turned out that successful people have a more relaxed attitude and open to new experiences . They are more open to interaction with people who are new , and create new social networks . People are fucking closed firmer up to new possibilities .

For example , when Barnett Helzberg gem of a shop owner in New York to sell his precious store , accidentally while walking in front of the Plaza Hotel , he heard a woman call the man beside him : " Mr . Buffet ! " Just a glimpse of events that may be skipped most of the less fortunate . But Helzber think , it thinks if it appears next man is Warren Buffet , one of the largest investors in the U.S. , he had the opportunity offers its stone store network . But soon greet Helzberg next guy , and it turns out he was right Warren Buffet . General Discussion ensued and the previous Helzberg no way to know Warren Buffet , successful business as a direct offer to the Buffet, face to face . A year later , Buffet agreed to buy network -owned shops Helzberg gem . Really lucky .

2 . Using intuition in decision making
The winners turned out to rely more on intuition than logic . Important decisions are made ​​by the most fortunate evidently done on the basis whisper " conscience " ( intuition ) of the brain result from tampering with sophisticated figure . The figures will be very helpful, but the final decision is generally of the " gut feeling " . That probably difficult for people who are unlucky , last whisper of conscience would be difficult if we hear our brains turn to reasoning endless. Hence, people generally have a successful method to sharpen their intuition , for example through regular meditation . On a calm mental condition , and a clear mind , intuition will be more easily accessible. And the more frequently used , our intuition will increasingly sharp .

Many of my friends asked, " listen to intuition " is how ? What suddenly heard a voice that tells us to do something ? Wow, if I did not like the experience . Even if all of a sudden heard a voice that did not come to light source, can - can I lose consciousness . Because it's subjective , there may be people who beneran voice losing you . But if my experience , intuition is indeed often appear in various forms , for example :
- The signal from the body . You certainly often experience . " Gue coke suddenly deg - degan yes , want can browse fortune was " , kind of like that. Our bodies indeed often give certain signals that you should maknakan . Say you coke suddenly fell dizzy deal can browse if you prefer cock , so watch out if all of a sudden just fell dizzy again.

- Signal from feeling . Suddenly you feel something else when looking at or doing something . This is what I've ever experienced . For example , when I was a student I like to feel suddenly excited every office across the certain enterprise . Several years later, I turned out to work in the office .

3 . Always hope good will come
Lucky people who always turns ge - er for life . Prejudiced always good that good will come to him . With this mental attitude , they are more resistant to test them, and be more positive in interacting with others . Try it you do the test yourself in a simple, ask successful people you know , how the future business prospects . Sure they will tell optimism and hope.

4 . Changing a bad thing to be good
Lucky people very clever face adverse situations and change it to be good. For them, every situation there is always a bright side . In one tesnya Prof Wiseman asked participants to imagine was going to the bank , and the bank suddenly raided herds armed mugger . And participants were asked to express their reactions . The reaction of the unlucky group umunya is : "Oh shit Bener there in the middle of that robbery ." While the reaction was lucky , for example is : " Good thing I got there, I could write my experience to the media and money can browse " . Whatever the situation , the successful principal profit directly . They were quickly able to adapt to adverse situations and change it to be successful.

school Profitability
For those who are less fortunate , even open Luck Prof Wiseman School. Wiseman training given to such people is to make " Luck Diary " , the diary of luck . Each day , participants should register positive things happen or profitability . They are strictly forbidden to write down their bad luck . Initially it may be difficult , but so they can write a good luck , tomorrow - next day would be the easier and the more luck they write . And when they saw a few days back Diary Lucky them , they are increasingly aware of how fortunate they are . And appropriate the principle of " law of attraction " , the more they think about how they 're lucky, then the more lucky events that come in their lives.

Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013


Despite knowing the dangers of smoking for his own health danorang another , but many people still smoke . Can not dipungkuri bahwamerokok a habit of mental conditions that are difficult to dihindarkan.Merokok can be caused by psychological conditions some situations ( anxiety danstres ) .

Smoking bans have been issued by the government in berbagaibelahan world . Taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products are ditinggikan.Tetapi , why do people still smoke ?

Coffee in the morning
Almost all smokers do this morning ritual . Fun sipping hot coffee is not complete without a cigarette temptation . Try to avoid this habit by engaging himself after waking up with caramenyiapkan breakfast , shower , or tidying the house . Replace your morning coffee dengansegelas milk or juice for a healthier life .

Driving is a very common smoking triggers . Yangsepi atmosphere sometimes tempt us to smoke to avoid drowsiness . If you do this often while driving , try to sing along to the radio , play a CD , or chew gum to avoid drowsiness .

social environment
Been to a party or a celebration spark someone to merokok.Terutama when they are involved with alcohol . To reduce the time ketagihanmerokok socialize , make sure you tell your best friend if telahberhenti smoke . Dissemination activities can be anticipated denganberkunjung to the movies , take a walk or the gym .

To help reduce stress , some people use cigarettes untukmeredakannya . Not only that , smoking is also often used for people who are on a diet program . Smoking can make people feel full easily .

Break in working hours
Rest periods are also common triggers the smoke in the office . To reduce it , you can go for a walk for some fresh air in the office or you can spend time off with your partner who does not smoke .

negative emotions
Feelings of anger , sadness and loneliness can also trigger the kecanduanrokok . It's important to learn how to deal with negative emotions .


Difficult to wake up in the morning
Many people are having trouble up early fault of their own , which was late in the day before. Though keeping the ration was still trying to wake up early and important to do in order to maintain the body's biological clock .
delaying alarm
Alarm delay will not make feel more refreshed because you've got a chance to sleep longer, but it can damage the sleep system and make the body feel weak . Instead of delaying alarm , better install an alarm and put it in a place away from the reach of the hand .

Sleep and wake up at will
As mentioned previously , keeping the body's biological clock needs to be done in a way to sleep and wake up at the same time . If you accustom yourself to sleep and wake up at will, the body will feel weak and lethargic .
Exercise on an empty stomach
Exercise after waking up is a good habit . But what makes it worse is exercising on an empty stomach . Better wake up 15 or 20 minutes early , enjoy fruit and hurried exercise .

Skipping breakfast
Research shows that skipping breakfast can increase the risk of diabetes . Not only that , no breakfast also affect mood and memory of the men . So stop this bad habit as soon as possible .

That's bad habits in the morning . Hopefully you are not one of those people who always do .

Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013



Jalan cinta raya No. 14
  MADIUN 11730
August 1st  2012
PT. Sinar Mentari  Jaya Abadi
Jalan Kehidupan Indah No.14

Dear Sirs,
Our company is a company that specializes in selling various leather products such as leather wallets, leather shoes and so forth. We will soon open several branches in various areas in Java. although we will open branches in various regions, we would like distribution of goods to be shipped for sale in our company running smoothly and the goods we sell good quality goods with prices that can reach the surrounding community.
Some time ago we read a profile of your company, your company produces goods in a newspaper. We are very interested to cooperate with your company. Therefore we are very happy if your company is willing to send the list of goods and price list production. If your company has regional branches in Central Java and East Java, we also ask to include the address of a branch office in your company so that later if your office area is very easy walking distance from our company, we can order the goods from the nearest branch office .
We also hope that your company can provide special offers for our company. We are expecting a reply from you to cooperate with our company.
Yours Faithfully,

Indra Chandra Kurnia 
Purchase Manager

Jakarta, April 02, 2013
Quantum Komputer
5th Floor, Mangga Dua Mall
Blok D26, Jakarta

Dear Mr. Richard Setyawan
I am interested in the items contained in the Computer Magazines March 30 issue of the computer magazine 2013.I want to order :
·         1 piece external hard drive with a capacity of 2 terabytes
·         1 internal hard drive with a capacity of 1 terabytes
·         2 piece external hard drive with a capacity 500 gigabytes
please be sent to the address of Jl. Mampang Prapatan IV 34 A, Tegal Parang, South Jakarta.
for the payment I will immediately transfer into your account ..
Yours sincerely,
note :
the reason I bought it because I need to backup the data on your PC. when I saw the ad in a computer magazine I thought I was really interested in the goods being sold because it has a lower price than the market.

Complaint letter

Dear Sirs
Our Order No. FT567
On 12 August I ordered 12 copies of Background Music by H. Lowery under my order number FT567.
On opening the parcel received this morning I found that it contained 12 copies of History of Music by the same author. I regret that I cannot keep these books as I have an adequate stock already. I am therefore returning the books by parcel post for immediate replacement, as I have several customers waiting for them.
Please credit my account with the invoiced value of the returned copes including reimbursement for the postage cost of £17.90.
Yours faithfully
Reimbursement: a refund of money (pengembalian uang)

Application letter

March 3, 2013
Personnel Department Manager
PT Angin Ribut
23 Jl. Kempek-Pegagan
Cirebon, 45161
Dear Sir,
Subject: Application Letter
Reading your advertisement on KOMPAS Daily, dated March 1, 2013, I am interested to apply for the position on Credit Marketing Officer (CMO) you offer.
I am 29 years of age and I graduated from Mechanical Technique Faculty, Jenderal Achmad Yani University, Bandung, Majoring in Metallurgy.
I have an excellent health, high motivation, good communication skill, computer skill, creative, high loyalty, integrity, I am ready to work hard, motorcycle, SIM C and highly motivated to works every where.
Hopefully, you could consider my application and I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Agus Sholeh, ST


Street Sultan Trenggono 87 Demak Telp/Fax (0291) 685519 Demak
Email : 

                                                                              June 30, 2021
  To          : Deputi Head of Sector Facility/Infrastructure
  From      : Headmaster
  Subject   : Preparation Meeting

          We ask that you prepare the hall space and equipment for meeting
  graduation class XII to be held on 3 July, 2021.
          Thank you for your help.

                                                                                         Headmaster name :)


Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013

The inflatable, antibacterial BUILDING: Architects designs bizarre office block to keep out germs from Shanghai city centre

It may look like a giant misshapen bouncy castle, but this building would - if it is built - be an ultra-clean, shape-shifting office. 
The bizarre design has been proposed by Shanghai and Rome-based studio 3GATTI, which has previously created umbrella-fronted buildings and grass-covered telecoms towers.

The ‘Bubble Building’ design could be created using inflatables made of white antibacterial nylon that are placed in front of the exterior of an ordinary office in central Shanghai.

It may look like a giant misshapen bouncy castle, but this building will in fact be an ultra-clean, shape-shifting office

3GATTI said that this ‘renovation of a common, old and unattractive building’, will not only improve the Shanghai skyline but also help keeps germs out of the office.

The bubble shapes on the outside of the building have been designed to move with the wind and interact with people inside the building.
When people are in the offices, the exterior will be fully inflated to keep the ventilation high.
As people leave the office, the bubble façade will become deflated as the ventilation is turned down

The 'Bubble Building' would be created using inflatables made of white antibacterial nylon that are placed in front of the windows on an existing office in central Shanghai

The billowing exterior also has an environmental aspect, as the air space between the fabric and the window act as efficient insulation to keep a desirable interior temperature

The billowing exterior also has an environmental aspect, as the air space between the fabric and the window act as efficient insulation.
By placing plants between the framed glass panes and the antibacterial nylon, the architects have created a ‘micro greenhouse’ which keeps temperatures constant despite the weather.
3GATTI said its concept was to ‘create an icon-building, a kind of landmark very easy to recognise, a kind of sculpture with a strong character able to detach itself from the boring cityscape.’
One problem, however, is that the lack of view provided by the structure. This might not seem so bad, if you don’t mind stepping into giant bubble every time you go to work.

This view shows what the interior of the office might look like. When people are in the offices, the exterior will be fully inflated to keep the ventilation high. As people leave the office, the bubble façade will become deflated as the ventilation is turned down

3GATTI said its concept was to 'create an icon-building, a kind of landmark very easy to recognise, a kind of sculpture with a strong character able to detach itself from the boring cityscape'

Senin, 07 Oktober 2013

Definition of English Business

Definition of English Business
1. Business means buying and selling, and English is the name of our mother tongue. Business English is obviously such English as is used in mercantile transactions. Our definition is quickly made.
But it will bear expansion. We must answer certain questions that inevitably arise. Is some special brand of English used in business? And how are we to know when we are studying business and when merely the English of business?
Take the first of these two questions. There are of course certain words which name business transactions primarily. Buy, sell, exchange, barter, trade, purchase, shop, customer, hire, rent, pay, fee, price, retail, wholesale, lease, mortgage, merchandise, commodity, goods, stock, office, factory, finance, money, funds, capital, interest, sum, amount, balance, cash, currency, bill, receipt, note, draft, check, bank, cashier, bookkeeper, stenographer, clerk - hundreds of words like these will occur to us at random as being mercantile words in a peculiar sense.
To be sure, they are not all limited to business transactions. Note the word brand. It is primarily mercantile, naming a particular kind of goods. But in the second paragraph, above, the phrase "special brand of English" appears. Here the word is used figuratively. Every business word can be extended in that way to social or literary use. When we speak of wholesale slaughter, or of a stock of words, we use commercial figures of speech, and Americans are exceedingly fond of doing so. You have heard people speak of a thoroughly posted man, as if a man were a ledger. You have heard them speak of the balance of the day, as if time were literally money. You have noticed that an American likes to claim everything in sight; I mean, he prefers to claim that a thing is so, rather than assert, declare, contend, allege, maintain, or swear that it is so.
2.But the strictly commercial words, again, aria not the only ones employed in business. In addition to such words as are listed above in our third paragraph, business employs thousands of terms from science and technology. If a man is buying or selling machinery, he must know the names of the machines. If it falls to him to buy the parts of them, he must know the names of the parts. Does business English, then, include the study of everything that is bought or sold? If it did, it would include nearly the whole dictionary. Everything is bought or sold, from surgical instruments to Egyptian mummies. Nothing is exempt but heaven and love and faith. "Tis only heaven that is given away; Mis only God may be had for the asking." And there are gloomy times when we feel that even faith and love are sold.
Quite clearly we are not called upon to master the whole dictionary. No man's life is long enough for that. So far as special study of words is concerned, we must limit it to a few which are most commonly employed in mercantile transactions.
And I fear that even with these we shall not be quite certain what to do. In our eleventh chapter will be found brief histories of certain commercial terms. But it is not pretended that knowing the history of a word will usually be of much practical value to the young man in business. The word dollar has a curious history, being connected with our word dale, a valley. A dollar is a dale-coin, a piece of money first coined in a certain dale, or Thal. But who cares, except the philologist or the antiquary? "Show me how to get the dollar," says our business man, "and you bookworms may have the derivation." He feels that he is quite literary enough if he manages to spell dollar with two ll's. It bores him to go farther into derivations. And it would be bad business to urge him to go back far into history when he is interested only in the burning present and the glowing future.
3. If we pick up any business letter we see at once that the words it contains are chiefly common words, not especially mercantile. The technical buying or selling words are present, but they are in the minority. What makes the letter good or bad is the choice and arrangement of words to express thought and feeling. It is their composition, or putting together. And this is really the subject that we are after. "Business English" in the sense here used is merely short for "Business English Composition. "
"English," as used in schools and colleges, now means primarily English composition. It includes also the study of English literature, but chiefly because a mastery of literature helps the student to a mastery of writing and speaking. None of us common people ever invents a word, and the few Edisons are lucky if they add half a dozen to the language. We go to other people or to books for our words. They are the great social heritage into which we enter, and literature is the best place to find them, because there they are alive, each in its context. The proper study of literature is so practical that I dare not confess how practical - because some people think it is a matter of pleasure pure and simple. The words of literature are practical; the setting of them is practical; the knowledge of life that they give us is practical. The right sort of business man cannot read Shakspere without getting a clearer insight into those springs of human emotion which he has to consider daily. And if this reading makes him better in point of courage and good cheer and character, why, that is practical too.
But this is not a plea for the study of Shakspere. For all the illustrative matter used in this book we shall go to business documents pure and simple. We shall have business narratives, business descriptions, business arguments, business explanations. We are to try to get at the principles of English composition on business topics:
Our purpose is to point out some of the established principles which govern effective expression. Everybody is ready to admit that the power of effective expression is a financial asset. It helps the stenographer, the salesman, the manager, the advertiser, the correspondent. It makes for more responsible positions and advanced salaries. Good selling-talk sells goods. Judicious explanations remove difficulties. Persuasive arguments reach buyers.

Type of Business English Letter

Sales Letters
Typical sales letters start off with a very strong statement to capture the interest of the reader. Since the purpose is to get the reader to do something, these letters include strong calls to action, detail the benefit to the reader of taking the action and include information to help the reader to act, such as including a telephone number or website link.
Order Letters
Order letters are sent by consumers or businesses to a manufacturer, retailer or wholesaler to order goods or services. These letters must contain specific information such as model number, name of the product, the quantity desired and expected price. Payment is sometimes included with the letter.
Complaint Letters
The words and tone you choose to use in a letter complaining to a business may be the deciding factor on whether your complaint is satisfied. Be direct but tactful and always use a professional tone if you want the company to listen to you.
Adjustment Letters
An adjustment letter is normally sent in response to a claim or complaint. If the adjustment is in the customer’s favor, begin the letter with that news. If not, keep your tone factual and let the customer know that you understand the complaint.
Inquiry Letters
Inquiry letters ask a question or elicit information from the recipient. When composing this type of letter, keep it clear and succinct and list exactly what information you need. Be sure to include your contact information so that it is easy for the reader to respond.
Follow-Up Letter
Follow-up letters are usually sent after some type of initial communication. This could be a sales department thanking a customer for an order, a businessman reviewing the outcome of a meeting or a job seeker inquiring about the status of his application. In many cases, these letters are a combination thank-you note and sales letter.
Letters of Recommendation
Prospective employers often ask job applicants for letters of recommendation before they hire them. This type of letter is usually from a previous employer or professor, and it describes the sender’s relationship with and opinion of the job seeker.
Acknowledgment Letters
Acknowledgment letters act as simple receipts. Businesses send them to let others know that they have received a prior communication, but action may or may not have taken place.
Cover Letter
Cover letters usually accompany a package, report or other merchandise. They are used to describe what is enclosed, why it is being sent and what the recipient should do with it, if there is any action that needs to be taken. These types of letters are generally very short and succinct.
Letters of Resignation
When an employee plans to leave his job, a letter of resignation is usually sent to his immediate manager giving him notice and letting him know when the last day of employment will be. In many cases, the employee also will detail his reason for leaving the company.

Part of Letter
Letterhead - Stationary printed at the top of the page including the company name, logo, full address, and other elements such as trademark symbols, phone & fax numbers, and an e-mail.
Dateline - The date is the month (spelled out), day, and year. If you are using Microsoft Word, click - Insert, then Time and Date. Press Enterfour times after the date. 
Letter Address - The complete address of the recipient of the letter. The letter address usually includes the personal title (Mr., Mrs. etc.), first and last name followed by the company name, street address, city, province, and postal code. Press Enter twice after letter address.
Salutation - The word Dear followed by the personal title and last name of the recipient (Dear Mr. Smith). Press Enter twice after the salutation.
Body - The text that makes up the message of the letter. Single-space the paragraphs and double-space between the paragraphs. PressEnter twice after the last paragraph. 
Complimentary closing - A phrase used to end a letter. Capitalize only the first letter. If there is a colon after the salutation, there must be a comma after the complimentary close. Press Enter four times (or more) after the complimentary close to allow for a written signature. 
Name and title of writer - Type the first and last name of the sender. The sender's personal title (Mr., Ms., Dr., etc) should be included. Use a comma to separate the job title if it's on the same line as the name. Do not use a comma if the job title is on a separate line. Press Enter twice after the name or title.
Business Letter Styles
The following pictures show what a one-page business letter should look like. There are three accepted styles. The horizontal lines represent lines of type. Click your mouse pointer on any part of the picture for a description and example of that part.

Gambar 1 : Modified Block Style
Gambar 2 : Block Style
Gambar 3 : Semiblock Style
                                                            Gambar : 1                  Gambar : 2      
                                                                            Gambar : 3