They ( religions that form ) assumes that human beings are
now no longer be expected to improve himself so expect extra terrestrial
intervention to save our world . Here are 6 of religion which is based on the
existence of UFOs , as quoted from
1 . Scientology
Scientology is a collection of teachings and related
techniques developed by American author , L. Ron Hubbard for about 30 years ,
starting in 1952 as a self- help philosophy , the development of self - help
system itself earlier , Dianetics . This doctrine claims to offer an exact
methodology ( definitely ) to help humans achieve awareness of their spiritual
existence across some period of his life and , at the same time , to become
more effective in the physical world . The name " Scientology " is
also used to refer to the controversial Church of Scientology , the largest
organization promoting the practice of Scientology . The church itself is part
of a network of related corporations that claim ownership and sole authority to
disseminate Dianetics and Scientology .
2 . Nuwaubian Nation
Nuwaubian Nation or Nuwaubian movement is a religious
organization founded and led by Malachi ( Dwight ) York . It is classified as
hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center, USA . York started as a founder
of the Black Muslim group in New York in 1967 , and has changed his teachings
and his group of names many times . In the late 1980s , he left the "
Muslim " movement supporting the theme of Ancient Egypt and
extraterrestrial or terrestrial activity . In 1933 , he left Brooklyn and then
to Eatonton , Putnam County , Georgia , where he built a race brotherhood Egypt
called Tama - Re .
3 . Ascended Masters
Ascended Masters , in the Ascended Master Teachings is
derived from the Theosophical concept of universities from Ancient Wisdom or
" Mahatmas " . They are believed to be spiritually enlightened beings
who in past incarnations were ordinary humans , but who have undergone a
process of spiritual transformation . First introduced in 1934 with the publication
of Unveiled Mysteries by Guy Ballard in the " I AM Aktivity . This concept
was further popularized by writers such as Baird T. Spalding in the 1930s , and
in books such as The Bridge to Freedom (1951 ) , The Summit Lighthouse ( 1958),
and various other organizations such as the White Eagle Lodge ( 1936) .
4 . Raelian
Religion is led by Claude Vorilhon ( Rael ) , a former auto
racing journalist and former French singer . Raelians ( followers of the
movement rael ) believe in the existence of God ( The scientists from another
planet ) , which is a group of extraterrestrials ( intelligent beings from
outer space ) that makes life on earth . Companion Raelians are
the individualists who believe in self-determination and not trust fate .
Raelian advocated universal ethical and peaceful world , Raelians believe that
the fate of the world would be better if the people get the most privileged
geniuses in government . As Saxon " There is life in outer space " ,
Raelian scientists hope of mankind would follow the lead of Elohim that crawl
space to the level of the cosmos and make life another planet . Raelians
believe and trust that the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is through the process
of cloning science ( memory transfer technique ) by Elohim ( The scientists
from another planet ) , Raelians are conducting research cloning to access
eternal life , and that people can be eternal , but criticism and debate always
The Raelian followers who actively exhibiting sex - positive
feminism and anti- war with an outdoor parade . One of the rituals in the
Raelian is doing Cellular Transmission by tutors who have a higher level .
Raelians do not believe in God , but believe in the infinity of the universe .
5 . " I AM " Activity
" I AM " Aktivity is a religious movement founded
in the early 1930s by Guy Ballard ( 1878-1939 ) and his wife Edna ( 1886-1971 )
in Chicago , Illinois . This religion is an offshoot of theosophy and a major
predecessor of several New Age religions including the Church Universal and
Triumphant . Companion This movement has up to one million
followers in 1938 and is still active on a smaller scale . According to the
official website of the parent organization , Saint Germain Foundation , the
worldwide headquarters is located in Schaumburg , Illinois and there are
approximately 300 local groups worldwide under several variations , among
others ; " I AM " Sanctuary , " I AM " Temple , and other
similar .
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