Jumat, 04 April 2014


There have been many people may know about Junk food that has no nutritional value and will actually make us become very unhealthy . High calorie content that can make us hit Obesity or cholesterol .
And over the years , not a little junk food manufacturers who hide dirty secrets . Quoted from riskydhe.mywapblog.com , here are some facts you must know about junk food .

fact 1
You know that chili sauce and chicken wings we used to eat at the restaurant Fast Food that contains silicon dioxide , or what we call sand . That makes sense crunchy and crispy on the dish , crazy right?

fact 2
Most of the meat packing meat processing manufacturers of thousands of cows at once . The risk of disease transmission must be quite large , therefore the plant cope with bathing cows using ammonia gas . And of course it is not good for health .

fact 3
It used lean beef or lean ground beef fed to dogs . But now , lean beef also canned for human consumption . Well , add another crazy right?

fact 4
If you eat fast food orange brown slightly bitter taste , the color does not come from fruits or plants , rather than urine or urine beavers into a natural dye . Well

fact 5
Carmine or carmine dye derived from organs that were destroyed in Dactylopius cocci .

fact 6
Most restaurants make bread sandwich by adding chemicals amonnium sulfate to make the yeast work more optimally so that the bread is really fluffy . And the material is extremely harmful to the body if consumed continuously.

fact 7
Did you know that most of the bread using l - cysteine ​​, an amino acid derived from duck feathers and human hair to mengempukkan bread ? ? ? And that's a fact .

fact 8
Most foods that require lubrication to keep it moist ( like mayonnaise ) containing propylene glycerol . Such materials may cause irritation to skin and eyes .

fact 9
After the test pieces of chicken feathers , John Hopkins University discovered many chemical constituents derived from drugs , caffeine , and foods that should not be given to chickens .
And , yes that's the chicken that we eat at restaurants Fast Food , still want to eat it continues after know about this ?

fact 10
Most fast food restorant using dimethylpolysiloxane as an ingredient for cooking chicken . And these chemicals are also commonly used for the manufacture of breast sililon .


They ( religions that form ) assumes that human beings are now no longer be expected to improve himself so expect extra terrestrial intervention to save our world . Here are 6 of religion which is based on the existence of UFOs , as quoted from berjambang.blogspot.com

1 . Scientology

Scientology is a collection of teachings and related techniques developed by American author , L. Ron Hubbard for about 30 years , starting in 1952 as a self- help philosophy , the development of self - help system itself earlier , Dianetics . This doctrine claims to offer an exact methodology ( definitely ) to help humans achieve awareness of their spiritual existence across some period of his life and , at the same time , to become more effective in the physical world . The name " Scientology " is also used to refer to the controversial Church of Scientology , the largest organization promoting the practice of Scientology . The church itself is part of a network of related corporations that claim ownership and sole authority to disseminate Dianetics and Scientology .

2 . Nuwaubian Nation

Nuwaubian Nation or Nuwaubian movement is a religious organization founded and led by Malachi ( Dwight ) York . It is classified as hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center, USA . York started as a founder of the Black Muslim group in New York in 1967 , and has changed his teachings and his group of names many times . In the late 1980s , he left the " Muslim " movement supporting the theme of Ancient Egypt and extraterrestrial or terrestrial activity . In 1933 , he left Brooklyn and then to Eatonton , Putnam County , Georgia , where he built a race brotherhood Egypt called Tama - Re .

3 . Ascended Masters

Ascended Masters , in the Ascended Master Teachings is derived from the Theosophical concept of universities from Ancient Wisdom or " Mahatmas " . They are believed to be spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans , but who have undergone a process of spiritual transformation . First introduced in 1934 with the publication of Unveiled Mysteries by Guy Ballard in the " I AM Aktivity . This concept was further popularized by writers such as Baird T. Spalding in the 1930s , and in books such as The Bridge to Freedom (1951 ) , The Summit Lighthouse ( 1958), and various other organizations such as the White Eagle Lodge ( 1936) .

4 . Raelian

Religion is led by Claude Vorilhon ( Rael ) , a former auto racing journalist and former French singer . Raelians ( followers of the movement rael ) believe in the existence of God ( The scientists from another planet ) , which is a group of extraterrestrials ( intelligent beings from outer space ) that makes life on earth . Companion anehdidunia.com Raelians are the individualists who believe in self-determination and not trust fate . Raelian advocated universal ethical and peaceful world , Raelians believe that the fate of the world would be better if the people get the most privileged geniuses in government . As Saxon " There is life in outer space " , Raelian scientists hope of mankind would follow the lead of Elohim that crawl space to the level of the cosmos and make life another planet . Raelians believe and trust that the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is through the process of cloning science ( memory transfer technique ) by Elohim ( The scientists from another planet ) , Raelians are conducting research cloning to access eternal life , and that people can be eternal , but criticism and debate always
The Raelian followers who actively exhibiting sex - positive feminism and anti- war with an outdoor parade . One of the rituals in the Raelian is doing Cellular Transmission by tutors who have a higher level . Raelians do not believe in God , but believe in the infinity of the universe .

5 . " I AM " Activity

" I AM " Aktivity is a religious movement founded in the early 1930s by Guy Ballard ( 1878-1939 ) and his wife Edna ( 1886-1971 ) in Chicago , Illinois . This religion is an offshoot of theosophy and a major predecessor of several New Age religions including the Church Universal and Triumphant . Companion anehdidunia.com This movement has up to one million followers in 1938 and is still active on a smaller scale . According to the official website of the parent organization , Saint Germain Foundation , the worldwide headquarters is located in Schaumburg , Illinois and there are approximately 300 local groups worldwide under several variations , among others ; " I AM " Sanctuary , " I AM " Temple , and other similar .


Various religions have stories about Adam and Eve were cast out of heaven as a result of eating the forbidden fruit . People are trying to interpret what is meant fruit . Until now , there are about 11 kinds of fruit that are considered forbidden fruit .
Of the dozens of pieces of speculation , some we know well and often we consume . The fruit is also known to be rich in nutrients. One of the frequently mentioned is the apple . So what else is suspected of fruit as forbidden fruit ?
Here is 5 pieces of fruit suspected of being eaten by Adam and Eve , as quoted from hermawayne.blogspot.com :

1 . Fig

Another name is fig fig fig . This fruit is one of the most often associated with the forbidden fruit . Because many are listed in the book of fig and some cultures . The artists also frequently depict the leaves that covered the nakedness of Adam and Eve as a fig leaf .
( Fig is the richest plant source of calcium and fiber . It also contains a lot of antioxidants , flavonoids , and polyphenols . )

2 . wine

It is said that Eve took the grapes and the juice . The grape juice has an effect like wine , can make themselves drunk and forgot . Allegedly , this is because the fruit Adam & Eve stripped clothes .
( The wine is rich in fruit resveratrol . Compound is thought to prevent cancer , heart disease , and Alzheimer's . Moreover , wine is also rich in vitamins A , C , B complex , C , and carotene . 
3 . tomatoes

In some Slavic languages ​​, tomato called ' rajcica ' or ' paradajz ' , both of which also means heaven ( paradise ) . Before the 17th century , the tomato was considered poisonous in some European countries . Hence , tomato is often linked with the forbidden fruit of paradise .
( Tomatoes contain lycopene many , vitamin A , and vitamin C. In addition to good for heart health , tomatoes can prevent prostate cancer . )

4 . apple

In Latin , the demon and apples have a similar word , which is ' malum ' and ' malum ' . Therefore , apples are often mistaken for the forbidden fruit . Moreover , the English man called Adam's apple ' Adam 's apple ' , because supposedly the forbidden fruit stuck in Adam 's throat when swallowed .
( The adage 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away ' indicates that this fruit has many benefits for health . Starting from colon cancer , prostate , lung , to cholesterol and heart disease can be prevented with antioxidant-rich fruit and fiber of this . )

5 . wheat

Although not a fruit , grain often grab the forbidden fruit in paradise . It may be that this assumption arises because in Hebrew wheat is ' khitah ' , similar to ' Khet ' which means sin . In addition , once said to be as high as a palm tree with a grain size of a kidney bean big bull . Because the ' fruit ' terlarangnya eaten by humans , a small tree is doomed to be like now .

( Wheat became the staple food of the people of the world . There are many foods that can be produced from these grains , including bread and pasta . Due to carbohydrate-rich food made ​​from wheat can be a source of energy to move . )


Do you know the name Indonesia derives from the word " Indo " and " Nesie " which in Greek means the Indian archipelago . And the first to use the name to refer to the state of Indonesia Indonesia is James Richardson Logan in 1869 in his essay in the book entitled " The Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia " , published in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal ( 1849-1859 ) .
However, during the colonial Sajam first , the name Indonesia is taboo to mention , so it appears some name or designation has been granted by foreign nations to name Indonesia . Here are 5 other names that could be given by the Indonesian foreign nations in the past . The following information is quoted from berjambang.blogspot.com


Indian names are creations of Herodotus , an expert on the history of science is a Greek ( 484 BC - 42m ) , he is the father of the History of Science has been recognized throughout the world .
Naderlandsch Oost - Indie / Netherlands Indies
This name was first mentioned by Cornelis de Houtman , a sailor Belkamu ruling in Indonesia . as it is written in the historical record , Cornelis de Houtman was nobility Be ; your first time to lead his troops into Indonesia in 1596 .


The next name is the first Insulinde by Eduard Douwes Dekker called or invoked also Multatuli, in his book entitled Max Havelaar in 1860 . This name was created because Multatulo was disgusted to hear the name given by the Indie Naderlandsch Belkamu . The meaning of the name is derived from the words Insulinde " Insulair " , " Insula " and " Indus " which in Latin " insula " means island and " Indus " means Indies while Insilinde mean Indies island .


Furthermore , there is the name of the archipelago are mentioned in ancient Indian libraries to name Indonesia . As for the archipelago or Dwipantara means islands located between the continents . And in the book mentioned that Negarakertagama archipelago of small islands are located outside Java. While the history of Malay , spoken Nusa name Tamara . Inipin name actually comes from the words spoken archipelago .

4.The Malay Archipelago

This name was coined by Alfred Russel Wallace in 1869, after he held perlawatan to our homeland , from 1854 until 1682 . As for the " Malay " means the Malays , " Archipel " is derived from the Greek " Archipelagus " ( from origin Archi = reigns ; plagus = sea ) . Thus mean or mean sea master collection Malay islands .


Ancient times is that we should be remembered and used as an example for humans today .
So many books are written about the habits or even human life in ancient times . This book is so that it can be recalled and be subject to man today .
However , it turns out there are some habits without realizing that early humans is still done by humans to date . The habit was still embedded in human beings today .
But , unfortunately, the habit is not a good habit , but it's a bad habit that ancient humans has now also become a bad habit man today .
Well, here quoted berjambang.blogspot.com , this is it for five bad habits that had been there since time immemorial .

1 . Having tattoos
Since the first humans are familiar with the art of painting which he describes through their skin . They work to describe their work through the skin called tattoos . This tattoo until today still used by humans to decorate his body with a wide variety of images , but it's just a tattoo is very different era, first tattoo today .

2 . Drunkenness
Since the new stone age called the Neolithic or early humans have known if he drinks of the alcoholic fermentation . Then getting the drinks were growing up until now, even people still use alcohol to drink them .

3 . gamble
Since ancient Roman times gambling is already known by the public , and to this day is still done by the gambling community . However , only the first bet gladiators to gamble their way , whereas now gambling is growing with the variety of things that they make a bet .

4 . Making graffiti
Bad habit of doodling on the walls made ​​by the youth of today this was already there since time immemorial . Only teenagers ancient scribble wall cave where he lives .

5 . said gross

Somebody would say dirty when you're angry or upset . Bad habits that can not be disposed of this was already there since ancient times as evidenced by the discovery of inscriptions expert oara containing about dirty word to insult someone .